where is the cerebral jester?

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Saturday, October 27, 2007

less "britney"...more "no war"

Incredibly enough, while everyone else is saying that we should end the war in Iraq and talk with Iran and Syria, President Bush is now sending more troops to Iraq, and clearly preparing, in words as well as actions, to launch a military strike against Iran (or let Israel do it for him). Even more than not understanding his behavior was my questioning of my own...now more than ever we need to actually become active U.S. citizens.

A wider war in the Middle East would be a catastrophe unlike any we've seen before, and could very possibly usher in a third World War. I signed the "No War with Iran!" petition, which is being organized by the group Peace Action, and would recommend it to you as well. You can sign the petition by clicking here

Thanks for joining me in signing the "No War with Iran" petition!

You can find out more about Peace Action at their website, www.peace-action.org



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